[Ansel] It’s been really hard keeping it together. Every now and then it hits her—that her parents could have left her to die—[…]
…She’s fallen asleep. In the meantime, we’ve been working on Giovanni’s cookbook some more. It’s a product of grief at this point. The physical embodiment of…
…No, I can’t think like that. I have to keep it together.
I think she’s calmed down. The █████ Discord we joined must have been a mistake. When it comes to politics, or transphobia… any community ends up being a mistake. I think she should just focus on drawing, and make friends around her art. That’ll probably be the best thing to do.
[Blast Ant] All these wounds… Like countless cuts on my mind…
…I feel a bit better. Maybe when we get home, and eat, and draw… I. We really need to focus on ourselves. Keep others at a distance, unless they engage with our art. That’s it.
We’ll work some more on the cookbook, maybe start watching Record of the Lodoss War. Ah, some time ago I quit the █████ Discord too, for the same reasons. And of course that Discord of █████. I think that’s how his name was spelled.